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Cosmic Hillbashers

County Affiliation: Scotland

As the name suggests, Cosmic Hillbashers is primarily a hill running club. Members also participate in orienteering, mountain marathons, some cross country and even road running events. Also Hill running takes place over a variety of distances - from short (3 miles or less but probably including an appreciable climb)to ultra events. Being an active lot, members are also involved in mountain biking, road biking, kayaking, adventure racing.

The club also has an active social side. We organise several local hill races, also the Cosmic Summer series and the Krunce series. Members compete in hill races throughout Scotland and further afield.

The club welcomes new members at all levels of ability. If you want to give it a try, come along to one of our runs. It is worth remembering that hill running by definition will avoid flat easy terrain, and take place in more remote areas. Members are expected to take a responsible attitude to their own safety and to carry a certain amount of eemergency kit in a bum bag during club training runs.

Club Training Sessions

Winter Tuesday 18.15
Meet King's Pavilion Aberdeen. Speed training round Kings playing field or Hill Reps. See web site for more details.

Summer Tuesday 18.45
Run at local hill, different venues each week. See website for calendar and details, maps etc. Members are expected to carry "Recommended kit" Map, compass, whistle, mobile phone, full body cover, emergency food.

Saturday 09.45
Hill run,perhaps further afield/longer route than Tues, different venues each week. See website for calendar and details, maps etc. Members are expected to carry "Recommended kit" Map, compass, whistle, mobile phone, full body cover, emergency food.

Leagues Competed In

  • Scottish Hillrunners Championship

  • Annual Club Promotions

    The fixtures below are intended as an indication of events which are regularly promoted by Cosmic Hillbashers. However all good things come to an end, so please make contact with the club to establish that this event is taking place this year, and confirm the exact date.

    Sat 5th January
    El-Brim-Ick Dash

    Sat 7th April
    Clachnaben Hill Race

    Diary Of Events

    Front Page